With the vision of widening the scope of China-Norway collaboration in the field of social policy research, we have renamed our project as “SINOPO – Sino-Norway Welfare Policy Dialogue” since this summer. The ongoing “Disability Policy for Social Resilience in China (Disability Resilience)” accounts for one sub-project of SINOPO and we expect to involve more projects in the future.
Also, we welcomed the new logo (see below) for SINOPO!

Regarding the design concept, this logo illustrates a process of dialoguing — one side starts with a voice that becomes the voice wave, arriving at the other, which ends up with an interaction (see below). Meanwhile, two countries’ flags inspire how this logo is colored. The color combination implies a full collaboration and communication between Norway and China.

2020 has been a difficult time so far. However, nothing can stop us and we are still making efforts to move SINOPO forward. As for the second-half of the year, we will soon release two working papers on the accessibility of the Internet and communication technology (ICT) and the provision of assistive technology (AT) in Chinese context. These working papers will be published on the SINOPO website, with open access. Additionally, we will arrange one international webinar with the topic of disability policy research and invite relevant scholars, experts, NGOs, civil societies, and government stakeholders from Noway and China for knowledge exchange and experience-sharing. More details will follow up soon.
We are looking forward to taking next step!