Disability policy for social resilience in China (DISABILITY RESILIENCE)

East-Lake Institute for Social Advancement and Oslo Metropolitan University will – in collaboration with public sector agencies, disabled people’s organisations, and international scholars in disability law and policy – facilitate knowledge transfer and policy learning to build public sector capacity in China central for the development and implementation of national policies that will reduce poverty and social inequality, and foster social resilience among persons with disabilities.  


Overall Objective and Target Group/项目总体目标及覆盖对象

The project will facilitate knowledge transfer and policy learning to build public sector competence and capacity in China central for the development and implementation of national policies that will reduce poverty and social inequality, and secure the rights and opportunities for full and effective participation by persons with disabilities.

The main target groups are Chinese service providers and other public sector officials, disabled people’s organisations and disability policy experts involved in the deliberation and implementation of welfare policies to reduce poverty and social inequalities for persons with disabilities, including many elderly persons.

The project has already recruited several stakeholders/associated partners in China and Norway. An international advisory committee will provide expert advice on how China may use the UN CRPD as a compass to achieve SDG 1 (reduce poverty) and 10 (reduce social inequalities).


Description of the project/项目简介

President Xi Jinping has noted that “in the comprehensive construction of a moderately prosperous society by 2020, not a single person with disabilities can be left behind” (CRPD/C/CHN/2-3). The proposed Sino-Norwegian partnership will explore options to enhance the social resilience of Chinese citizens with disabilities – i.e. the capacity of persons with disabilities, including many elderly persons, to sustain and advance their well-being and participate as full and effective members of society.

Since its adoption of UN CRPD in 2008, China has produced a new system of laws aimed at protecting the rights of persons with disabilities. Since 2010, China has implemented two national five-year plans for persons with disabilities. Key priorities under the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) have included efforts to reduce the risk of poverty and bringing moderate prosperity to persons with disabilities, fostering accessible housing, transport and information, production of assistive technology, and employment opportunities. Labour market participation is key to reduce poverty among persons with disabilities in China. “The Global assistive technology initiative” has been a priority both for China and WHO. Regional authorities such as Shenzhen and Shanghai are aiming to become more accessible cities.

Therefore, DISABILITY RESILIENCE will address three thematic priorities: social resilience through 1) policies to foster labour market participation, 2) development and provision of assistive technology, and 3) accessibility regulation of information and communication technology. These are policy areas where OsloMet and Norwegian stakeholders have unique and sought after expertise: 1) Norway is among the European countries with the largest investments in social benefits in cash and in kind to reduce poverty and foster labour market inclusion of persons with disabilities; 2) Norway is often claimed to have one of the most extensive systems for distribution of assistive technology in the world, and capacity building for provision of assistive technology has been a priority area for the Norwegian development cooperation agency NORAD (e.g. through participation in the ATscale Global Partnership for Assistive Technology; and 3) In the last decade, Norway has adopted unique legislation to promote ICT. Technical cooperation with partner countries in areas where Norway has relevant and sought-after expertise is a key element in Norwegian development policy, and a means to realise the national objectives of contributing to the achievement of the SDGs and promoting human rights. Welfare policy and the Nordic model is a major research area in Norway and at OsloMet, and has been a long-standing thematic priority in Sino-Norwegian research collaboration. The DISABILITY RESILIENCE project will draw on this academic expertise, as well as practical experience with the development and implementation of disability policy in Norway, to build public sector capacity in China central for reducing inequality (SDG 10) and poverty (SDG 1), and safeguarding the rights and opportunities for full and effective participation in all aspects of society by persons with disabilities.

Building on cooperation since 2016, the DISABILITY RESILIENCE project provides a stepping stone for the development of close, long-term Sino-Norwegian cooperation on disability policy as well as joint research applications to national and international funding sources.



因此, 结合当前中国残障政策发展重点,本项目将从三个方面来探索实现残疾人抗逆力的可能性:就业促进政策;残疾辅助技术的发展与提供;无障碍信息通信技术等领域的立法。而在这三方面,奥斯陆城市大学及挪方合作伙伴拥有独特且精深的专业知识可供借鉴。第一,在欧洲范围内,挪威实现了在社会保障及公共服务领域最大程度的政府投入,以减少残疾人群贫困、促进劳动力市场对残疾人的接纳;第二,在全球范围内,挪威被视为拥有最全面的残疾辅助技术分配系统的国家之一。同时,在辅助技术提供方面的能力建设已成为挪威政府近些年来的工作重点;除此之外,挪威政府已有相对完善且独特的法律体系来保障及促进无障碍信息交流等方面的建设与改造。在这些自身拥有专业知识可供分享、丰富实践经验可供参考借鉴的领域,挪威始终向他国敞开合作的大门。事实上,在国际社会积极加入并推动技术性合作一直是挪威国家发展的重点之一,也是挪威在国家层面助力实现联合国可持续发展目标、人权保障的重要措施。


Project Management/项目主要成员