Wuhan East-Lake Institute for Social Advancement (EISA)
East-Lake Institute for Social Advancement is a registered Private Non-enterprise Entity (Legal Person) based in Wuhan, China since 2014. It aims to carry out Research on social advancement, public interest and philanthropy, and rights protection; provide consultation and training on public interest law, and support the exchange and capacity building of social organizations. EISA is established by the full support of Wuhan University Public Interest and Development Law Institute (PIDLI, www.pidli.org) to maintain its NGO legal status in China. Sharing the experience of more than 20 projects on rule of law of PIDLI, in recent years, EISA has carried out several projects on access to justice and human rights with support of UNDP China Office, UNDEF, EU, Lund University Raul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (Sweden), and several embassies in Beijing. It has also been working with local department of justice and disabled persons’ federations to train governmental legal aid lawyers and ogranize street law activities with persons with disabilities. The current strategy of both EISA and PIDLI is using the academic expertise and international view, through community based piloting actions, carry out empirical research, and apply the research outputs to human rights education and advocacy.

Professor Wanhong Zhang is the academic adviser to EISA. He is a professor at Wuhan University School of Law, Executive Director at Wuhan University Institute for Human Rights Studies (National Human Rights Education and Training Base), and Director of Wuhan University Public Interest and Development Law Institute. Professor Zhang is also the founding director of the committee of rights of persons with disabilities under China Disability Research Society (CDRS), the research arm of China Disabled Persons’ Federation (CDPF), Deputy Chairperson of Hubei Provincial Disability Research Society (HDRS), the Deputy Director-General of Hubei Provincial Disabled Persons’ Federation (HDPF). Zhang has among others hosted workshops for the Asia-Europe Disability Policy Dialogue and the Disability Think Tank Forum under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Mr Ding Peng is the Director of EISA, and has committed himself to human rights research and advocacy for more than 10 years. He co-authored a report for the UNDP China Office on the equal access to justice for persons with disabilities under the CRPD Article 13. It was published by the UNDP in both Chinese and English language in December 2016. His latest experience of monitoring the CPRD implementation was the draft and launch of the Equity for Diversity: A Manual on Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities in China, during the Thing Tank Forum on Disability Issues under the Belt and Road Framework, on 11 October 2019 in Beijing. It includes specific guidelines for lawyers, social workers and other practitioners on anti-domestic violence against persons with disabilities, and equal safeguards in criminal justice for persons with disabilities.