The Scam project is coming to an end. 21. May we arranged an end conference at Pressens Hus in Oslo. We presented some of our findings, but the main emphasis of the conference was to engage in a dialogue with fact-checkers and other researchers and experts.

Former CEO of FullFact, Will Moy, gave an excellent analysis of the state of fact-checking, as did team member Lucas Graves. Nordic fact-checkers from,, and Kä discussed challanges and opportunities with fighting disinformation amid new technologies developments.

And finally, we launched a preliminary version of our Online Guide to Digital Source Criticism, after Ståle Grut had presented his analysis of Visual Source Criticism.

It was an inspiring event for us in the Scam-project and an excellent event to mark the end of what has been a truly amazing project with such a great team of people.
We are, however, not quite finished. The Online Guide to Digital Source Criticism will be launched in full later this year, and we continue working on a book hopefully to be launched sometime in 2025.
And – fingers crossed – PhD fellows Lasha Kavtaradze and Reidun J. Samulesen will successfully defend their dissertations.
In the mean time – check out our project publications.