Åse Marie Ommundsen is Professor of Norwegian literature in the Faculty of Education and International Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), and an adjunct Professor at Nord University, Norway. She holds a doctorate in Scandinavian literature from the University of Oslo. Her interest in challenging picturebooks and picturebooks for adults has fostered publications in Norwegian, Danish, English, French, and Dutch as well as guest lectures and keynotes. She is the coeditor of Exploring Challenging Picturebooks in Education: International perspectives on language and literature learning (with Gunnar Haaland and Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, Routledge 2022), the editor of Looking Out and Looking In: National Identity in Picturebooks of the New Millennium (Novus 2013) and coeditor of two books in Norwegian. In 2013, she was awarded the Kari Skjønsberg Award for her research on children’s literature. She chairs the research group Challenging Picturebooks in Education.
ORCID: 0000-0001-5109-9766.

Sissil Lea Heggernes is an Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, where she teaches English language children’s and young adult literature, culture and English subject pedagogy. Her PhD study explores how interaction with texts can foster English language students’ intercultural learning, with a particular focus on picturebooks. In addition to publications on picturebooks and intercultural learning, she has published work on the role of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) in the Norwegian English language curriculum and critical thinking. Prior to her engagement in teacher education, Sissil worked many years in primary and secondary schools. Her research interests also include the role of literature and culture in language learning, reading, dialogic learning and language teachers’ professional development.

Hilde Dybvik is an Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University. She teaches Norwegian at the Department of Early Childhood Education (ECE), both children’s language development, children’s culture and children’s literature. Her research interests include children’s literature, especially picturebooks, and children’s literature in the context of ECE. She has published articles on perceptions of children’s literature and reading practices in kindergarten, and also on picturebooks for the very youngest readers, the toddlers. She is the author of a textbook for ECE pre-service teachers Kommunikasjon, språk og tekst i barnehagen (2023).
Hilde Dybvik is also a literary critic of children’s literature, primarily picturebooks, and has published numerous reviews on www.barnebokkritikk.no. For three years, she served three years on the jury for children’s and young adult literature in the Brage Award (head juror for two years).

Mette Moe is an Associate Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University where she teaches Norwegian literature and didactics at the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education. Her research interests are children’s and young adult literature, literature didactics, explorative classroom talk and critical thinking.
She has a background teaching primary school as well as being a Norwegian teacher at High School level for many years. Mette is also a literary critic of children`s literature, primarily picturebooks, at www.barnebokkritikk.no