We co-organized the webinar “Rights Protection of Vulnerable Groups in the Pandemic”

On 23 May Wuhan University Institute for Human Rights Studies, China, hosted the webinar on the Rights Protection of Vulnerable Groups in the Pandemic, as a part of the Global Epidemic Prevention & Control and Human Rights Protection Conference Series. Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy of Oslo Metropolitan University and Wuhan East-lake Institute for Social Advancement (our partner institute for the project “Disability Resilience”) co-organized this event. Professor Rune Halvorsen from OsloMet was invited to make the keynote speech Social Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Europe – How to Reduce Risk of Poverty and Social Exclusion at the beginning of the webinar and shared his observations on how the Covid-19 Pandemic affects persons in precautious positions from the medical and social perspective and what and how social interventions would be required to reduce the risks in the pandemic that the vulnerable groups would take.

New working paper about disability policy in China

Our research team has completed a working paper Employment-promoting policies for persons with disabilities in China-Understanding the changing policy system/中国残疾人就业促进政策——认识变化中的政策体系. This paper mainly focuses on the introduction of disability policy measures and programmes that have direct or indirect effects on employment promotion in China’s policy system.

DISABILITY RESILIENCE – OsloMet’s Collaboration with China

Wuhan East-Lake Institute for Social Advancement, China and Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway will – in collaboration with public sector agencies, disabled people’s organisations, and international scholars in disability law and policy – facilitate knowledge transfer and policy learning to build public sector capacity in China central for the development and implementation of national policies that will reduce poverty and social inequality, and foster social resilience among persons with disabilities.  More information see PROJECTS. 中国武汉东湖公益服务中心(原东湖社会发展研究院)及挪威奥斯陆城市大学将携手政府服务机构、残疾人组织及残障法律政策研究学者,通过知识转移和政策学习,来促进中国中部地区公共服务部门在国家残疾人扶贫、社会公平及社会抗逆力培养等领域的政策实施能力。 Professors Wanhong Zhang, Rune Halvorsen and Peng Ding in Wuhan, China 2017 左起:张万洪教授、鲁尼·哈佛森教授及丁鹏主任 (中国武汉,2017)