Presentation at the 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Odense, Denmark, June 8–10, 2022
The 26th Nordic Congress of Gerontology took place 8-10th June 2022 in Odense. From CoWorkCare Research Professor Heidi Gautun attended the congress. Heidi Gautun had a poster presentation showing some preliminary results from the survey investigating employees’ experiences on combining work and care for older parents. Altogether 6049 in the age group 35-67 years, having one or both parents alive, responded to the questionnaire in March and April 2022. The poster limits the analysis to ages 45 – 67 years (N = 4416).
The most common help offered to their parents were emotional support and help with managing new technologies (e.g., smartphone, online banking, digital information from authorities). To a lesser degree, the children provided care like nursing, dressing and help with medication.
A minority of those not working reported that providing care to their parents had an impact on their employment situation.
Likewise, a minority of those working part time reported that providing care to their parents had an impact on their choice to work part time.
However, a majority of those both participating in the labour marked and providing care for their parents experienced conflicting demands of care provision and job obligations.