Work Package

WP1 Employment and social benefits consequences.
Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research

By analysing registerdata WP1 will identify and quantify the effects of having a care-needing parent on the supply of labour and the demand for social insurance benefits and examine how effects are mediated by (combinations of) individual characteristics, enterprises characteristics in different sectors and industries, and family situation. 

WP2 Employees’ experiences and need for support.
Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)

By collecting and analysing survey data, WP2 will investigate which individual employees that are giving substantial care to older parents, which individuals that are finding it hardest to combine caregiving and work, and whether the respondents’ reports on difficulties in combining work and care obligations vary according to:

  • individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity, socio- economic background)
  • employees working in enterprises in different sectors
  • family situation (e.g. marital status, number of siblings and other care obligations)

In addition WP2 will investigate what kind of support from public financial support schemes, elderly care services and employers, that (will) make care obligations more manageable for employees and promote their full-time labour market participation.

WP3 Conflicts of interest between employees and employers. 
Work Research Institute (AFI)

WP3 will investigate conflicts of interest in a sample of enterprises in different sectors of the labour market. Informants will be employers, union representatives and employees. The case studies will have explorative and phenomenological approaches and use semi-structured in-depth interviews and focus group interviews.

WP4 Combining work and care for older parents in different welfare and labour market contexst.
Work Research Institute (AFI)

WP4 will investigate conflicts of interest between employers’ interest in getting work done and employees to set aside time to care for their older parents in different welfare and labour market contexts. The objective will be investigated by comparing results from the case study in Norway (WP3) with similarly designed case studies in Sweden and Denmark. Enterprises will be selected in a collaboration with labour market researchers from Denmark (Roskilde University) and Sweden (Karlstad University).

W5 Welfare and labour market policy

Based on the findings from Work Package 1 to 4, the research group will discuss policy with stakeholders.