Up-coming projects

This is supplemental information to our official website. Here, we provide information early, or a bit more information that may be of interest. We are not ready with the spring projects yet. We are expecting one more within the domain of Product design.

Prj. 1: Design a proof-of-concept for an electronic surfboard with a lifting-foil

Design a proof-of-concept for an electronic surfboard with a lifting-foil — e-foil surfing. 

These systems have propulsion and a lifting-foil (or foils) below the surface, and a board with batteries and controllers above water. When in use, the lifting-foil will ensure that the board is lifted free of the water. 

Commercial systems that can be used for surfing exists. Your challenge is to create a proof-of-concept for an e-foil surfer that can be built with commercially available components. Another group has already created a very simple proof-of-concept. We need an ambitious and hard-working group to take it further.

Supervisor: prof. Vahid Hassani

Prj. 2: Design and Construction of a Wind Tunnel Force Balance

OsloMet has acquired an open-circuit low-speed wind tunnel for which we seek a force balance for educational projects. The objective of this project is to design and build a force balance system for a wind tunnel that measures at least the time-averaged lift and drag forces on various aerodynamic and bluff bodies. If possible also the pitching moments could be included. The motivation is to design and built a low-cost force balance with a user-friendly interface for calibration and display of the measured values.

Skills wanted within the group: Mechanical and electronic knowledge. Some programming/ scripting knowledge. Knowledge about design will be useful.

Supervisor: prof. Ramis Örlü

Prj. 3: Virtual Horticultural Health Companion

Self-contained, compact system for growing plants on a small scale in a small apartment setting with LLM and therapeutic light system integration.

The system must fit on top of a chest of drawers or similar. It should include automated grow light and watering system and a timed therapy light to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). In addition, there should be a speech based LLM to function as personal companion. This LLM should be given a «personality» related to the system.

The supervisor can provide further details, and suggests that competencies from industrial design, computer science, and electrical and mechanical engineering will prove useful. Keywords: CAD, 3Dprinting, Physical prototyping, local LLM, Raspberry Pi, Arduino, User testing, Mental Health, Isolation/loneliness, Horticulture, Therapy light, Image analysis, System integration, Hydroponics

Supervisor: eng. Mikael Omlid

Prj. 4: Resurrect Pepper the robot

More information will be available soon 😃