We are pleased to announce the 17th annual NFEAP summer conference, which will take place on Thursday the 13th and Friday the 14th of June 2024 at Oslo Metropolitan University, Oslo, Norway.
The theme for the 2024 conference is EAP and Hybridity
The word hybridity has lately become associated with the idea of a hybrid classroom – one where some learners are physically present, and some are present online. But this is not the only way to think about hybridity in EAP – hybridity might also refer to hybrid genres, or hybrid modes, hybrid fields, hybrid knowledges, hybrid student and professional identities. Hybridity might mean the (unexpected?) combination of different teaching practices, wherever they take place. How do students respond to hybrid forms or hybrid teaching situations? What kinds of hybrid text do students and researchers produce – and how, and why?
And: what kind of hybridity – what hybrid writer and what hybrid text – might be the result of collaboration with ChatGPT? Are there aspects of writing with ChatGPT that are common to co-writing generally – so that a concept of hybridity might let us see co-writing, whether with a human or machine, more clearly?
NFEAP this year is a place to think about different kinds of hybridity – and their different affordances, challenges, ways of thinking, opportunities for creativity.
Plenary speakers:
Douglas Eyman, George Mason University, USA
Writer-Machine Hybrids: The Role of AI in EAP Instruction
John Ødemark, University of Oslo, Norway
Epistemicide and Hybridity in Cross-Cultural Knowledge Translation
Go here for abstracts and biographies of keynotes.
Go here for full program with links to pdf versions of the presentations.