Welcome to Nordsec 2023 at Oslo Metropolitan University
November 16-17, 2023
The 28th Nordic Conference on Secure IT systems (NordSec) 2023 will be hosted by OsloMet in Norway on Nov. 16-17, 2023.
Nordic Conference on Secure IT Systems
NordSec is an annual research conference series that has been running since 1996. The NordSec conferences address a broad range of topics on IT security. The events bring together security researchers from the Nordic countries, Northern Europe, and beyond. In addition to being a venue for academic publishing, NordSec is an important meeting place for university faculty, students, and industry researchers and experts from the region.
NordSec addresses a broad range of topics within IT security with the aim of bringing together computer security researchers and encouraging interaction between academia and industry.
Status update:
17.11.2023: NordSec 2023 is over! 35 participants met in a 2-day research program, enjoyed a journey into Nordic traditional foods, discussed, brainstormed and got inspired! NordSec 2024 has been delegated to the Prisec Privacy & Security research group at Karlstad University, Sweden! We’re looking forward to meet you in Karlstad in November 2024!
9.11.2023: The proceedings book is published on-line by Springer: Fritsch, Lothar; Hassan, Ismail; Paintsil, Ebenezer (eds.): Secure IT Systems – 28th Nordic Conference, NordSec 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 16–17, 2023, Proceedings; Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS, volume 14324), 352 pages, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-47748-5. See program page for temporary open access link.
01.11.2023: Final conference program is published.
20.09.2023: 18 articles have been accepted after peer review. The proceedings data has been deliviered to Springer for editing.
25.8.2023: We have received a total of 56 manuscripts. Our 47 reviewers have begun the review task.
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