Welcome to OsloMetDoc!

The Organization representing all PhD candidates at OsloMet

  • Yearly Summary: 2022

    Yearly Summary: 2022

    This year was no catch-22 year for OsloDocMet (former PhD forum): things happened. Here is the summary of the key important events and happenings to get you up to date, informed and ready to enter the new year in good conscience. Raise of support funds Perhaps the most important achievement for PhD candidates this year…

  • PhD-Night Fall 2021

    PhD-Night Fall 2021

    This fall PhD Night happened on 11th November 2021. The event provided a platform to PhD students to discuss research topics (either related to their PhD or personal interest) with other PhDs across programs in a group or one to one discussion. Inspired by events like ‘speed friending’ or ‘speed dating’, our intention was to…

  • PhD-Day 2021

    PhD-Day 2021

    PhD Day at the beautiful Sentralen locale was a success with approximately 100 attendees. After a lengthy pandemic period, just seeing so many PhDs gathered together under one roof was refreshing! We started off the day with a speech from our Vice Rector, Per Martin Norheim-Martinsen and a round of info on the supports our…

  • Using MOOCs to Advance Your Studies

    Using MOOCs to Advance Your Studies

    First, some of you may ask right off the bat: “What is a MOOC?” MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Courses. They’re extensive online courses, often offered by renowned universities, and the best part: they’re free to enroll in. They also cover a vast variety of topics, from programming languages to philosophy. This can be…

  • Update on translation/language washing procedures for PhDs

    Update on translation/language washing procedures for PhDs

    EDIT: Due to some unclear communication mishaps, we must inform that the following guidelines only apply to those employed under the SAM faculty. The others are still negotiating their agreements. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Recently, it has been brought to our attention that the current agreements in place for the…

  • Compensation (work contract extension) for PhDs 2021

    Compensation (work contract extension) for PhDs 2021

    Dear fellow PhDs of OsloMet, This is a short note to inform you that funds have been set aside centrally for those who are still facing problems with working normally. The coordinators/leaders of the different PhD programs at OsloMet have been notified about this. During the first rounds of compensations in 2020, a bit more…

  • March 17th: Panel discussion on The Pandemic effect on PhDs and Postdocs

    March 17th: Panel discussion on The Pandemic effect on PhDs and Postdocs

    The University of Agder is hosting a panel discussion on the impact that the Covid-19 pandemic has had on PhDs and Postdocs. According to the event website: “UiAdoc is organizing a panel discussion on the topic of “The Pandemic effect on PhDs and Postdocs and Potential Solutions”. We have invited representatives from UiA, Forskeforbundet, Young…

  • PhD Forum OsloMet webinar on writing an article-based thesis

    PhD Forum OsloMet webinar on writing an article-based thesis

    While corona makes it impossible for us to do our regular OsloMet PhD Nights and we recognize the challenge that arises from the resulting Zoom fatigue, we nevertheless felt the need to do a webinar of something very relevant to the majority of us: writing an article-based thesis. We invited OsloMet associate professor Kristin Solli…

  • A must-read for PhD students!

    Are you writing an article-based thesis? Working on your narrative (“kappe”)? Or can’t get enough of the great academic writing courses at OsloMet?

  • How to apply for Covid19 extensions?

    Rector Curt Rice has expressed that all PhD students who apply for corona compensation will receive it. While this central compensation is good news, individual applications are nevertheless needed in order for OsloMet to be refunded for these expenses. But how do we apply?

Got any ideas, feedback or recommendations?