PhD candidate council engages in mental health topics

The PhD candidate council works with a range of various topics. Phd candidates face amongst others challenges with regard to their status as both employees and students, where it may appear blurry what kind of rights apply to them. It may also lead to that they are caught between two stools when it comes to course- and groupactivities that are offered to regular students. The PhD candidate council works for facilitating the best possible conditions in the day to day business of Phd candidates, also in times that may be tough every once in a while. We get in touch with relevant actors and value an open dialogue with the management.
See below to follow the dialogue between one of our representatives and Morten Irgens, prorector for research, in the comments field on a post he wrote on students mental health in the online journal Khrono.
Phd student council puts Phd students’ mental health on the agenda






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