How to apply for Covid19 extensions?

Rector Curt Rice has expressed that all PhD students who apply for corona compensation will receive it. While this central compensation is good news, individual applications are nevertheless needed in order for OsloMet to be refunded for these expenses. But how do we apply?

Start with reading OsloMet’s rules for compensation. Your application should be sent to your local HR contact unless otherwise is specified. Notice that certain faculties have their own guidelines for compensation, such as the Faculty for social sciences, which might provide you with other instructions. In the application, it is important to account for lost time and explain the reasons for this. You will find both a Norwegian and an English template below, which can be used as a starting point.

We are also aware that fieldwork/data collection abroad is still pending for some of you. We advise you to apply for an extension now based on a preliminary revised plan for your project, and re-apply later if there are any further delays. Please also work with your advisor and HR-contact on how to best solve this application wise, if there are any other bumps in the road making it hard to estimate lost time.

Good luck with your application! And remember, you will get compensated for what you have lost – so do not worry!

Best wishes from the PhD-Forum and the representative for temporary employees at the OsloMet Board – Hilde Fiva Buzungu.

Norwegian template:

Emne: søknad om forlengelse, koronarelatert fravær

Til (navn på din HR-kontakt, den som sender ut arbeidskontrakter på ditt fakultet/senter)

Jeg søker herved om (xxx dager/uker/måneder) forlengelse på min tilsetting som stipendiat, som skyldes forsinkelse i arbeidet med avhandlingen under koronasituasjonen.

Jeg var forhindret fra å arbeide (evt. delvis forhindret, i så fall angi prosent, fra å arbeide) med avhandlingen i perioden (sett inn spesifikke dato, må være mellom 13.3 og 30.6), på grunn av (ta gjerne med alle som passer):

  1. At jeg hadde problemer med å konsentrere meg om PhD-arbeidet i den spesielle situasjonen med nedstenging av landet, og klarte ikke utføre mine arbeidsoppgaver som normalt.
  2. At situasjonen med å jobbe hjemmefra ble krevende for meg, da jeg ikke har et funksjonelt hjemmekontor.
  3. At jeg opplevde komplikasjoner knyttet til manglende tilgang på bibliotektjenester.
  4. At min veileder hadde koronarelaterte problemstillinger som gjorde det vanskelig for meg å oppsøke den veiledning jeg hadde behov for.
  5. At jeg var hjemme med barn opptil 12 år, som ikke hadde tilbud om skole/barnehage. Dette fraværet har jeg lagt inn i DFØ og fått godkjent av nærmeste leder.
  6. At jeg var hjemme med større barn som ikke hadde tilbud om skole/barnehage, og oppfølging av dem gikk ut over arbeidet med PhD-prosjektet/avhandlingen.
  7. At jeg ikke kunne samle inn data som planlagt.
  8. At mine PhD-kurs ble avlyst.
  9. (eller hva nå annet det måtte være som passer)

Min nåværende kontrakt utløper (sett inn dato), og jeg håper på en snarlig tilbakemelding på denne søknaden.

Med vennlig hilsen


Stipendiat, OsloMet

English template:

Subject: application for extension, corona related absence

To (name of your HR contact, the person who makes employment contracts in your faculty/center)

I hereby apply for (xxx days/weeks/months) extension of my employment because of delays in my PhD work due to the Covid19 situation.

I was hindered from working (or partly hindered – if so, specify percentage) with my dissertation in the period (insert specific dates between March 13th and June 30th) because of (include all the relevant bullet points):

  1. I had problems concentrating on the PhD work during the special situation/lockdown of Norway. I was therefore not able to carry out my work assignments as I normally would.
  2. It was demanding for me to work from home, as I do not have a functional home office.
  3. I experienced challenges related to closed libraries/library services.
  4. My supervisor was unavailable due to corona related challenges (sickness, childcare, etc.). It was therefore hard for me to seek out the guidance I needed (e.g. in a critical phase, such as the finishing stages of my PhD)
  5. I was home with children up to 12 years, who were not offered a place in school/kindergarten. I have registered this absence in DFØ and it has been approved by my leader.
  6. I was taking care of older children, who was not offered a place in school/kindergarten. This hindered my work.
  7. I was not able to do planned fieldwork/collect data during this period.
  8. My PhD courses were cancelled.
  9. (or other reasons)

My current contract expires (insert date). I hope for a quick response to this application.

Kind regards


PhD student, Oslo Metropolitan University



