Welcome to OsloMetDoc!

The Organization representing all PhD candidates at OsloMet

  • A win for the PhD students!

    In the last couple of weeks, corona compensation for PhD students has been a present debate in Khrono. However, and just in time for summer, we were heard – OsloMet decided to pick up the bill for corona extensions for PhD students! While this still implies individual applications, the applications are no longer subject to…

  • Committed to advocate for COVID-19 compensation on a national level!

    Doesn’t it seem fair that PhD students should be compensated for the time lost due to Covid-19? We think so, and are therefore not satisfied with the current compensation at OsloMet. In hope of greater support, we are now redirecting our effort. We have initiated a collaboration with the Association of Doctoral Organizations in Norway…

  • Kompensasjon som følge av korona / COVID-19 Compensation

    English version follows below Uavhengig av hvilke retningslinjer som gjelder vil det å dokumentere produktivitetstap være viktig. Kjære kolleger, Som stipendiater har denne tida vært spesiell tøff. Vi er midlertidig ansatte, og har hovedansvar for et prosjekt som skal bli ferdig på kort tid, og vi er ansatt basert på tiden det vil ta å…

  • PhD-Night on the Trial Lecture and the Public defense

    PhD-Night on the Trial Lecture and the Public defense

    Have you heard the about the one student that failed his doctoral examination? Yet, no one really seems to know who this is? The doctoral examination is surrounded by myths. In order to prepare you for the big day, we invited three resources within academia to address our insecurities and share their experiences with the…

  • Work life after the PhD?

    – Do you ever wonder what you are going to do when you finish your PhD? – Would you like career counseling at OsloMet? – Do you wonder how to build a research career, and what transferable skills you actually have? Next week, at the Research Career Day 2019 you might get some valuable input…

  • PhD-night on Mental Health

    On September 23th the fourth PhD-night was arranged. Around 35 PhD-students and representatives from Human Resources (HR) gathered at Fyrhuset to learn more about mental health for PhD-students. The topic of balancing work and private life is a well known challenge for most of us and was mentioned by all contributors. A series of presentations…

  • October afterwork for Phd Candidates

    Afterwork for Phd Candidates will return on the 11th of October. Are you doing your PhD at OsloMet, and find yourself in need of a relaxing break? Perhaps you have just started and want to meet other people doing their PhD’s here? Want to exchange life hacks and advice? Or do you just want to…

  • Ph.d.-night: Mental health and the Ph.D student

    Welcome to our first Ph.D.-night at OsloMet for the fall semester! At these evenings we address topics that are relevant for Ph.D. students across programs at OsloMet. The goal of these events is to mix academic refill with an opportunity to be social outside of working hours. The program for this event will be in…

  • Afterwork for PhD students!

    By popular demand; Afterwork for Phd-students is now happening in august! Are you doing your PhD at OsloMet, are almost finished, and find yourself needing a relaxing break? Or have you just started and want to meet other people doing their PhD’s here? Want to exchange life hacks and advice? Or do you just enjoy…

  • Going Abroad during your PhD

    On the 21st of may we arranged our third PhD Night. This time the topic was “Going Abroad during your PhD”, a topic relevant to most of us. Tropical rain poured down outside Fyrhuset, but inside we enjoyed beer, pizza and the company of good colleagues. Representatives from the Section for Internationalisation at OsloMet kicked…

Got any ideas, feedback or recommendations?