While corona makes it impossible for us to do our regular OsloMet PhD Nights and we recognize the challenge that arises from the resulting Zoom fatigue, we nevertheless felt the need to do a webinar of something very relevant to the majority of us: writing an article-based thesis.
We invited OsloMet associate professor Kristin Solli and her co-author Lynn P. Nygaard for a talk. They have recently published the book Strategies for Writing a Thesis by Publication in the Social Sciences and Humanities . In addition, Kristin Solli is in many ways the OsloMet resident expert on all things research writing-related.
A 30-minute talk was followed by a 30-minute Q&A where all attendees could ask questions by using the chat option in Zoom.
Kristin started by asking all participants to send in a challenge they have run into when writing the thesis.
As you can see from the results below, corona was the obvious thing people were struggling with. Aside from that, there was many different writing related issues – which was touched upon in the presentation later on.

For instance, while the ideal way of writing a thesis is to follow the top trajectory depicted in the slide below, in most cases the realistic way will be to juggle the layout, as depicted in the second trajectory.

The full presentation can be found here:
If you want to learn more or couldn’t make it to this seminar, the OsloMet Academy and Kristin Solli will hold the following workshops this spring:
- Writing for International Journals Workshop at Oslomet will be March 4th and 5th
Sign-up here: https://ansatt.oslomet.no/oslomet-akademiet/-/kalender/30504/view
2. Kappe workshop at Oslomet will start April 13th
Sign-up here: https://ansatt.oslomet.no/oslomet-akademiet/-/kalender/30506/view
Thank you to all 99 of you who showed up. We hope you found the webinar interesting! Please do not hesitate to send in your requests for future webinars by contacting us!