The topic for the second Ph.d.-night was “Know your rights”. OsloMet-researcher Jan Messel gave an introduction to the history of trade unions and their development in Norway. Afterwards, representatives from Forskerforbundet, Norsk Tjenestemannslag (NTL) and Akademikerne talked about their unions’ work at OsloMet and gave some examples of cases related to ph.d.-students. The program was concluded with a panel talk where some differences between unions’ ideologies were highlighted, but all in good spirits. What they all agreed on was the importance of being affiliated with a trade union, regardless of profession or research field.
If you have any questions for the union representatives, contact Trude Sundtjønn (Akademikerne, trusun@oslomet.no), Ingvild Nordang (NTL, inor@oslomet.no) or Erik Dahlgren (Forskerforbundet, erikda@oslomet.no).
Feel free to make suggestions for the next ph.d-nights to your local PhD-forum representative!
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