Exchange of students between Norway, Iceland, Sweden, and Canada and other relevant long-term mobility (three months or more)
Activities (students can choose one, or combine several for a longer stay abroad):
- Create possibilities for exchange of students during the second and third year of bachelor’s degree through exploring diverse courses and how they fit in time and learning outcomes
- Exchange of students with UWO; Semester-long exchanges in 5th and 6th semester, full-year exchanges 3rd year, Summer internships between 2nd and 3rd year of studies
- Exchange of students with KI (new partner for exchange) and University of Gothenburg (existing partner for exchange); ERGOBPRA2: Placements, and explore possibilities in 5th and 6th semester.
- Exchange of students with partners in Denmark; University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Aalborg University (existing partners for exchange); ERGOBPRA2: Placements and explore possibilities in the 5th and 6th semester
- Exchange of students with University of Akureyri; ERGOBPRA2: Placements
- Map possible partners for exchange through exploring established agreements at OsloMet and Health Science department and possibilities in the researchers and educators network, with a special focus on possibilities for theoretical courses in order to expand our capacity for exchanges
- Incoming students to OsloMet and OT bachelor program; develop the international window in the spring semester in order for incoming students to build a flexible package of courses from 5ECTS to a full semester.