Mihaly A. Csirik
Senior postdoc, REGAL project | ||
Affiliation: MatMod group at oslomet.no | ||
Researcher IDs: ORCID, Google Scholar | ||
Email: mihalyac(-at-)oslomet.no | ||
Address: Pilestredet 35 |
About me
Mihaly received his PhD in applied mathematics at the Eotvos Lorand University at Budapest. His PhD thesis was in critical point theory. He worked as a postdoc at the University of Oslo and the Wigner Research Centre for Physics in Budapest.

Research. Mihaly’s current research interest is mathematical quantum chemistry, analysis in quantum mechanics and open quantum systems. Recently, he worked on coupled-cluster theory, a mathematically very challenging method of quantum chemistry. He is a member of ERC project REGAL and he is currently focusing on the mathematical aspects of density-functional theory.
None at the moment.