Are variations in life expectancy of importance for prioritizing of Investment and policy decisions?

For Health scientists life expectancy and factors contributing to increase life expectancy are of improtance. Policymakers have developed a range of policies designed to increase life expectancy and reduce disparities in life expectancy. Some of these policies include the following: increasing the economic standard of living; providing more resources for Health care services; implementing policies to protect people from the consequences of risky behaviors such as smoking , alcohol consumption and obesity; reducing the levels of pollution; providing additional social services for poor and vulnerable populations.
The fact is that life expectancy increased in all (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) OECD countries between 1985 and 2010; however, there was considerable variation in both the levels and rates of increase. This is the focus on a recent publication, aimed to examine the impact of different behavioral factors of health on the variations in the levels and rate of increase in life expectancy in OECD countries between 1985 and 2010. The conclusions of the authros were that fife expectancy increased an average of 5.1 years in OECD countries between 1985 and 2010, but there was wide variation. Health spending per capita, economic factors and two behavioral factors – smoking and caloric intake – explained most of the variation and suggest where increased policy attention could have the greatest impact on life expectancy. The authros hope that these international comparisons will help countries regarding prioritize investment and policy decisions. Read more