Our interdisciplinary team drives the lab’s research, education and innovation activities – in collaboration with academia, industry, STEM students and other partners. We also collaborate closely with departments at OsloMet, including BE (Department of Built Environment) and IT (Department of Computer Science).
Research team

Arvind Keprate
Professor in Condition Monitoring, with expertise in PHM, reliability engineering and life estimation modeling.

Tiina Komulainen
Professor in system dynamics. Her research and teaching are focused on energy-efficient control and virtual sensors for bioenergy and water industries.

Arash Soleiman Fallah
Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Specializing in phononic metamaterials, acoustic waves, computational continuum mechanics, and vibration and dynamics.

Rafael Borrajo
Associate Professor
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, specialized in materials innovation and nanotechnology.

Yasha Parvini
Associate Professor
Associate professor in modeling and control of dynamic systems with expertise in energy storage technologies.

Tore Flåtten
Associate Professor
Associate professor in computational fluid mechanics with expertise in multiphase flows and numerical analysis.

Ramis Örlü
Professor in fluid mechanics with expertise in experimental fluid mechanics, turbulence and flow control.

Behrouz Arash
Associate Professor
Associate Professor in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in computational mechanics and material modeling
Administrative staff

Astrid Oust Janbu
Head of Department
Head of the Department of Mechanical, Electrical and Chemical engineering. Associate Professor in Biotechnology.

Simen Antonsen
Project Manager
Head of Studies. PhD in synthetic organic chemistry.

Mona Eftekhardadkhah
Senior R&D Advisor
Senior R&D advisor/PhD in chemical engineering with expertise in development of new technologies for produced/wastewater treatment.