Ecology of Place



Seminar on nature in the city

I regi av Invisible Infrastructures ble det arrangert et heldagsseminar den 25. januar 2017, på Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo. Seminaret var tverrfaglig, og fokuserte på byøkologi slik det blir forstått av henholdsvis biologer og arkitekter. Spesielt var fokuset på disse spørsmålene:
«What is nature in the city?» og «How does the different relevant disciplines understand ecosystems and ecological function in the urban landscape, and how can we share insights and methods?»

Forskningsgruppen vil takke alle deltakere på seminaret, og rette en spesiel takk til dem som holdt innlegg i programmet! / The Invisible Infrastructures research group would like to thank all the participants, and give a special thanks to the contributing presenters.

Programmet ligger nederst på siden. / Please find the seminar programme at the bottom of the page.

Opptak av seminaret finner du her i denne linken / Please find audio and images from the seminar at this link:


Several of the speakers from the ecological sciences went in depth on the following topics:

What are typical characteristics of ecosystems in cities? What important habitats, vegetation and nature types do we typically find In Oslo? What are typical threats to these habitats? Should the criteria for characterizing “important nature” be the same in cities as in more natural landscapes?

What principles are important when restoring degraded areas in Oslo to more diverse landscapes with higher species diversity and resilience? How can we work with connectivity, stepping stones etc, to improve the connectivity of the landscape?

How do we measure the monetory value of ecosystem services connected to green spaces and urban nature?
Can restoration or construction of “new” nature (for instance, green roofs) compensate for the degradation of green areas, and how can BREEAM and other evaluation techniques play a part? Are these methods well evaluated?

The seminar participants raised questions and initiated discussions concerning
Planning of green spaces. Are the strategies for urban planning having a comprehensive enough view on urban nature and human-nature interactions? Or is «the tragedy of the commons» a proper description of the management of important ecosystem serviced provided by urban ecosystems?

How are the landscape architects and biologists cooperating to understand the needs of the species that makes up the urban ecosystem?

Private or public green spaces?

How can new technology and ideas, like remote sensing, crowd funding, using of laser tools for mapping urban nature, citizen science projects, help in improving the urban ecosystems and human-nature-interactions?

The program of the seminar The ecology of place.The program of the seminar The ecology of place.

The program of the seminar The ecology of place.