No need for a grid: Gaussians for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (Simen Kvaal)

Dear all,

It is my pleasure to invite you all to an interesting seminar by Simen Kvaal from University of Oslo. Simen is a quantum physicist with the Hylleraas centre at the Department of Chemistry, UiO. The title of his talk is “No need for a grid: Gaussians for the time-dependent Schrödinger equation”.

We plan to serve lunch so please respond asap if you plan to attend.   

On behalf of the Mathematical Modeling group and the OsloMet Quantum Hub,

Leiv Øyehaug

Matematikk og evaluering (in Norwegian)

Dette seminaret ønsker å være et åpent diskusjonsforum for erfaringsutveksling knyttet til vurdering i matematikk og relaterte emner. Målet for seminaret er å utveksle kunnskap på tvers av institusjoner, utdanninger, og utdanningsnivåer (bachelor til PhD). Bidragsytere: Thomas Gjesteland (UiA), Audun Skau Hansen (UiO), Sølve Selstø (OsloMet), John Haugan (OsloMet), Leiv Øyehaug (OsloMet)

Introduction to mathematical density-functional theory

The quantum-mechanical description of interacting electrons can be tackled using the one-body particle density. We have recently reviewed the theoretical foundation of density-functional theory (DFT) with focus on a rigorous mathematical formulation [1]. In addition, a rather novel ingredient of DFT is Moreau-Yosida regularization, which we have just now connected to the Kohn-Sham approach (the workhorse of DFT) to obtain «nature’s glue» as a limit procedure [2].

[1] M. Penz, E. I. Tellgren, M. A. Csirik, M. Ruggenthaler, and A. Laestadius (2022)

[2] M. Penz, M. A. Csirik, and A. Laestadius, (2022)