As NORHED partners in the MIDRED project we request an academic pressure to stop the ongoing Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. International leaders in power must end this ongoing catastrophe and search for political solutions to ensure all people in the region their human rights and protection. Living in 2023 we expect that coexistence should be regulated by legal humanitarian means, not by crime against humanity.
MIDRED’s first study presented at the European Midwifery Association 7th Educational Conference
European Midwifery Association 7th Educational Conference After presenting the study we presented two slides giving attention to the despair of our midwife colleagues, pregnant women, children and mothers in Gaza. We invited the audience to contemplate in one minutes silence. Afterwards many tearful midwives came and showed us gratitude for not being silent about the… Continue reading MIDRED’s first study presented at the European Midwifery Association 7th Educational Conference
First physical seminar for all partners – Oslo, April 17 – 22, 2023
Scolars from University of Ghana, Birzeit University and OsloMet gathering for dinner at Frognerseteren, with Dean at Faculty of Heath Sciences, Gro Jamtvedt and the Palestinian Ambassador Marie Antoinette Seldin
MIDRED National seminar in Accra, Ghana, 2nd & 3rd of February 2023
School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Ghana Legon , hosted a successful national interdisiplinary MIDRED seminar with midwives, nurses and doctors from several maternal settings. The seminar’s theme: Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health and Well-being through Midwifery with interdisciplinary Collaboration in Ghana. 1st Day Welcome address by Professor Florence Naab , Dean Scol of… Continue reading MIDRED National seminar in Accra, Ghana, 2nd & 3rd of February 2023
Annual meeting 2023 – Ghana January 30
MIDRED met in Accra, Ghana for our 3rd annual meeting in 2023 School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Ghana , Legon (SoNM, UG), hosted MIDRED for our successful hybrid 3rd annual meeting. Joining physically were partners from Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Oslo and University of Dundee. On Zoom particicipants joined from Birzeit University,… Continue reading Annual meeting 2023 – Ghana January 30