About Media Practice
This research group gathers an interdisciplinary group of researchers around a common interest in media practices. The research interests include perspectives from anthropology, ethnology, geography, visual studies as well as practical media production studies. Our focus is on studies of how media make consequences for everyday activities, how media are embedded in social and cultural life and ” the whole range of practices that are oriented towards media and the role of media in ordering other practices in the social world” (Couldry 2004:115).
The Media Practice group consists of a core group, and a network of researchers – and at the core of the activity are our seminars once or twice a semester.
Leading The Research Group
Dagny Stuedahl is Professor at Department of journalism and media studies, Oslo Metropolitan University. She holds a MA in ethnology, and a Dr.Polit (PhD) in educational design (University of Oslo). Along her academic career Stuedahl has a dual and interdisciplinary focus on humanities, social sciences and an applied approaches to design of digital media, relating these to research fields as Media Literacy, Science and Technology Studies (STS), Participatory Design, Co-design, and the emerging field Digital Cultural Heritage.

Gudrun Rudningen is a senior researcher at the Work Research Institute, OsloMet. Her research concerns collective creativity, visual culture and digital technology. She holds a PhD in social anthropology from the University of Oslo about digitalization of journalistic work and has a MA in visual anthropology from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She gives lectures at Department of journalism and media studies
Ragnhild Olsen er Førstelektor i journalistikk og mediefag. Hun underviser i medieteori, mediefaglig metode og nettjournalistikk. Hun har forskningsinteresse for digitalisering og kvalitet i journalistikken med et særskilt fokus på brukerperspektivet i redaksjonelle prioriteringer og strategisk utviklingsarbeid og innovasjon i mediehus.

Our focus areas
Media and civic life
Visual culture and photography
Media production
Method Innovation
Participatory research