Celebrating the Participation of Nicaraguan Doctoral Candidates at international conference

Acknowledging the Participation of Nicaraguan Doctoral Candidates at the «VI Encuentro Bienal Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado» We are happy to recognize the efforts of our Nicaraguan doctoral candidates from the Programa de Doctorado Internacional en Educación Superior Intercultural en Contextos del Buen Vivir. They are set to participate in the «VI… Fortsett å lese Celebrating the Participation of Nicaraguan Doctoral Candidates at international conference

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Popayán course and partner meetings

July 2023 gave us the opportunity to gather in Popayán, Colombia for five intense days of collaborative work, with the students and with the partners. The students and the tutors worked on the important Protocolo CCRISAC, by which they outline the most the remaining projects and research to be done in their doctoral studies, and… Fortsett å lese Popayán course and partner meetings

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