Celebrating the Participation of Nicaraguan Doctoral Candidates at international conference

Acknowledging the Participation of Nicaraguan Doctoral Candidates at the «VI Encuentro Bienal Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado»

We are happy to recognize the efforts of our Nicaraguan doctoral candidates from the Programa de Doctorado Internacional en Educación Superior Intercultural en Contextos del Buen Vivir. They are set to participate in the «VI Encuentro Bienal Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado» in Managua, presenting a total of 10 scientific papers.

The event represents an important platform for our candidates to showcase their research. The focus of the program on intercultural education and the understanding of diverse perspectives is evident in the wide range of topics our candidates will be discussing.

The «VI Encuentro Bienal Centroamericano y del Caribe de Investigación y Posgrado» is an important event for sharing ideas and promoting intellectual diversity. The participation of our Nicaraguan candidates adds significant value to this discourse, highlighting the relevance of intercultural perspectives in higher education.

We look forward to the insights they will share and the positive impact their research will have in the field of education and beyond.

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