In the last couple of weeks, corona compensation for PhD students has been a present debate in Khrono. However, and just in time for summer, we were heard – OsloMet decided to pick up the bill for corona extensions for PhD students! While this still implies individual applications, the applications are no longer subject to local finances. Put in other words, their decision emphasizes our real needs over local finances.
Note that certain changes and specifications have been made in the rules for compensation, so be sure to read more about them at OsloMet’s webpage before applying.
OsloMet’s decision acknowledges the confusion that PhD students have experienced the last couple of weeks about compensation. Questions of who was eligible for – and would receive – corona compensation left us waiting for better solutions. In particular, the connection between a local handling of applications and the faculties’ finances sparked questions about equal treatment – would local finances be decisive for how applications were treated?
Based on the situation, the PhD forum organized a national collaboration to advocate for reasonable compensation. While acknowledging that finances are important, we were persistent in our opinion that PhD-students could not be treated as other (permanent) employees. After all, we operate with a final deadline and cannot put our work on pause!
In a quick turn, OsloMet acted upon our concerns about finances and equal treatment – resulting in a win for the PhD students. We are pleased with this turnaround and proud to be a part of a university that values our work.
Now, we hope that other universities will follow OsloMet’s example and provide their PhD students with fair compensation!