EDIT: Due to some unclear communication mishaps, we must inform that the following guidelines only apply to those employed under the SAM faculty. The others are still negotiating their agreements. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
Recently, it has been brought to our attention that the current agreements in place for the use of translation and language washing services was less than ideal for PhD students, in particular, due to budgetary restrictions. We are pleased to announce that after the subject was brought to the attention of the administration, it was determined that the agreement with Allegro does not apply for academic articles or research-related texts. This means that those who require the translation or language washing of a research-related text can choose the service provider of their choice. The author should also not deliver the order via MinBestilling, but instead order the service directly with the service providers themselves (upon prior approval from your leader).
The text is then sent directly to the service provider. One must use service providers which can send an invoice for the order. The invoice should not be sent directly to you, but rather to OsloMet. If the service provider is Norwegian, then an electronic invoice (e-faktura) should be sent. If the service provider is not located in Norway, the invoice should be sent either in PDF-format as an attachment via e-mail to regnskap@oslomet.no or via regular mail (see below).
You must never pay with your own funds and seek reimbursement after the fact.
Invoices should also include an invoice reference (fakturareferanse).
OsloMet’s electronic invoice address (e-fakturaadresse or EHF): 997058925
Oslo Met’s address for surface mail-delivery of invoices:
OsloMet, Postboks 4 St. Olavs plass, 0130 Oslo Norway.
We hope this clears up any confusion about the process in the future!