Welcome to Professional Ethics!

Welcome to Professional Ethics, a blog about just that: professional ethics. The blog will be dedicated to exploring  this relatively undeveloped  area of philosophy, and a long term goal is for the site to be a resource for professionals who want to know more about the ethical side of their craft. If you are interested in professional ethics, this is your site!

For now, the site is quite sparse, but rest assured—more is coming.  In the meantime you can check out our About page, the Guidelines or the Events calendar. If you would like to keep up to date with the blog, you can Subscribe (scroll to bottom of page) to never miss a post.

Our plan:

The aim of the site is to be a friendly and accessible place to present and discuss interesting philosophical problems and ideas within the topic of professional ethics. We want the bar for participation to be low so that ideas that are not yet fully developed can be discussed.

The main content of the blog  is intended to be short texts by philosophers, professionals and researchers from other disciplines working in the field of professional ethics.

Are you a philosopher, a researcher or a professional and would like to contribute to the blog? Check out the Write for Us! page and send me an email!

Who are we?

Professional Ethics is affiliated with the Centre for the Study of Professions (SPS) at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. SPS is a multidisciplinary research center where researchers from a wide variety of fields  study questions relating to the professions.

The site is edited by me, Ainar Petersen Miyata, a PhD Candidate at SPS and part of the research project Autonomy and Manipulation: Enhancing Consent in the Health Care Context. My main research interest is nudging and its relationship to autonomy and informed consent.


I hope you will find the blog both useful and enjoyable! If you have any sort of feedback, let me know.

All best,
