Yves brings a new perspective to the Quantum Hub

Yves Rezus, lecturer in physics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), is joining the Quantum Hub team this year.
Having a PhD in ultrafast spectroscopy, Yves led a research group for several years. He has always been eager to find out about the laws of nature and is passionate about sharing his understanding with others. Therefore, he started lecturing chemistry at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences.
In 2022, Yves moved to AUAS and became part of the team developing and teaching the new Applied Physics program. The university teaches students technical skills, such as constructing complex detectors.
Experimental knowledge
Now, Yves, his wife and their two sons are moving to Oslo for a year. He is still working two days a week for his home institution, coordinating a specialization semester on Enabling Technologies for Quantum Science, but spends the remaining days of the week participating in lectures, doing outreach and other projects at the Quantum Hub. The second semester, he hopes to get involved in the master projects.
– Both AUAS and OsloMet are developing new courses and have applied research projects on quantum technology, so this is a great opportunity to see if we can learn from each other, he says.
Yves thinks his hands on, experimental knowledge will bring a different perspective on quantum technology to OsloMet. He is already impressed by the faculty’s openness and the students’ enthusiasm to learn about this perspective.
Eager to learn
Yves views every day in Norway is an adventure where he discovers something new. Having learned Norwegian for half a year, he admires people’s willingness to speak Norwegian with him and values the practice he gets from small talk.
So, when you run into Yves in the hallway: strike up a conversation!
Welcome to the team, Yves!