Last week, the Riverine Rights team held its kickoff workshop. It included sessions on the individual country cases, on interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, and allowed for discussions and planning of approaches, case studies and fieldwork.
The workshop was originally planned to be held in New Zealand, but the Corona virus made that impossible. Instead, the meeting was held on Zoom. This of course put some limitations on us – we missed out on socializing and getting to know each other during coffee breaks and dinners. But still the workshop was surprisingly useful for sharing information about the different country cases, and for discussing concrete ways of carrying out our research.
One advantage of doing the meeting digitally was that we were able to include all the members of our Advisory Board [uni.oslomet.no/riverrights/advisory-board/] in one of the sessions. This is a group of highly qualified and experienced scholars who have agreed to act as advisors for the Riverine Rights project. In this first meeting, the Advisory Board members gave us valuable suggestions for ways of going forward and for useful contacts.