Rahul Ranjan (Upcoming) “Birsa Munda Memory and Politics in India” (forthcoming with Cambridge University Press, 2022)
“At the Crossroads of Rights: Forest Struggles and Human Rights in Postcolonial India” (Routledge Publication, London. 31 March, 2022)
Edited by Rahul Ranjan

Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism (2021)
Elizabeth Macpherson, Axel Borchgrevink, Rahul Ranjan, and Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta, “Where ordinary laws fall short: ‘riverine rights’ and constitutionalism”, Griffith Law Review, DOI: 10.1080/10383441.2021.1982119, September (2021). Link to the article: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10383441.2021.1982119
Mourning on the Ghat: Bagmati, a short note – Rahul Ranjan – Doing Sociology Popular forum: (On mourning, loss and Covid)
By Rahul Ranjan

https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/48472 (2021)
Edited by Shapiro, Judith & McNeish, John-Andrew
Shapiro, Judith, and John-Andrew McNeish. Our extractive age: expressions of violence and resistance. Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.4324/9781003127611, 2021. Link to the article: https://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/48472

https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/transnational-environmental-law/issue/A78F9640D341BD19ECC02B746D0DAA42 (2020)
Macpherson, E. (2020). Indigenous Water Rights in Comparative Law. Transnational Environmental Law, 9(3), 393-402. doi:10.1017/S2047102520000291
Macpherson, E., & Weber Salazar, P. (2020). Towards a Holistic Environmental Flow Regime in Chile: Providing for Ecosystem Health and Indigenous Rights. Transnational Environmental Law, 9(3), 481-519. doi:10.1017/S2047102520000254
Macpherson, E., Torres Ventura, J., & Clavijo Ospina, F. (2020). Constitutional Law, Ecosystems, and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia: Biocultural Rights and Legal Subjects. Transnational Environmental Law, 9(3), 521-540. doi:10.1017/S204710252000014X
Constitutional Law, Ecosystems, and Indigenous Peoples in Colombia: Biocultural Rights and Legal Subjects (2020)
(Symposium article)
By Elizabeth Macpherson, Julia Torres Ventura and Felipe Clavijo Ospina
Nature’s Rights in Colombia: an Exploration of Legal Efforts to Secure Justice for Humans and Nature (2020)
(Unpublished master thesis)
By Whitney Richardson
Indigenous Water Rights in Law and Regulation (2019)
By Elizabeth Macpherson