RRI-Practice kick-off meeting

The representatives of the 13 RRI-Practice consortium members gathered in Oslo on September 21, 2016 to attend the project’s kick-off meeting, which took place at the Oslo and Akershus University College, which is coordinating the project. RRI-Practice’s Project Officer Agnes Nagy-Hegyvarine from the Research Executive Agency at the EC also attended the meeting.

The consortium partners discussed the project overview, work plan and timetable of the project, and underlined the important deadlines and other milestones. During the exchange of the views, the Project Officer stressed that the findings of RRI-Practice can influence the next framework programme, therefore even the draft conclusions need to be communicated without delay to the related advisory groups and the REA.

The Work Package leaders made detailed presentations of the work that lies ahead. This included the overview of the national case studies, national workshops, report templates, dissemination and communication activities. Attention was paid also to management and reporting, as well as the issues of ethics and privacy requirements.

The Executive Board of RRI-Practice was constituted, chaired by Ellen-Marie Forsberg from HIOA, and including the following members: Zoya Damianova (ARC Fund), Alexei Grinbaum (CEA), Richard Owen (UNEXE), Miltos Ladikas (KIT), Federico Neresini/Simone Arnaldi (UNIPD), Luca Consoli/Hub Zwart (RUN), Phil MacNaghten (WU). The meeting participants also discussed and suggested names for the Advisory Board.

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