Working Packages

Our overarching goal is to understand, theoretically and empirically, the complex relationship between food security and conflict in the Colombian region of Cauca. To this end, we aim to investigate the following five research questions, each constituting one work package (WP).

1. Framing food security and conflict. Which political factors, social dimensions, and economic structures encompass the food security conflict nexus in Cauca? This represents an exploratory phase, providing necessary information that will allow us to gain deeper knowledge about the local and institutional context as well as to select study sites.

2. Food security and entitlements. What entitlements and informal sources do poor rural and urban households in Cauca have, and in what ways do conflict and violence impact these entitlements and informal sources? (WP2)

3. Food security and culture. How does conflict shape (and is shaped by) the food cultures and cuisines of indigenous groups, especially displaced women in Cauca? (WP3)

4. Food security beyond Cauca. To what extent do the patterns regarding food security and conflict observed in Cauca apply to the rest of country? (WP4)

5. Policy recommendations. What are the most promising measures for improving food security in situations of violence and unrest? We anticipate that the insights generated by the project will serve as input to food security monitoring and assessment systems in fragile states, particularly as Colombia transitions from conflict to peace. (WP5)