Optimum design of structures

Engineering structures such as bridges, aircrafts or buildings have to be built in an optimum way, in order to be safe and also economic. The optimum design is the main goal of an engineer who aims at designing a machine part or a structure. Until a few decades ago, the fulfillment of this purpose was very difficult since no automated algorithms or computer methods were available. Traditionally, the design of a structure was done via trial and error. Since then, many methods have been proposed in the literature to solve structural optimization problems. Structural optimization is a discipline dealing with optimal design of load-bearing structures. It is the main goal of an engineer who aims at designing any structure.
Relevant publications:
Moayyeri, Neda; Gharehbaghi, Sadjad; Plevris, Vagelis. Cost-based optimum design of reinforced concrete retaining walls considering different methods of bearing capacity computation. Mathematics 2019 ;Volum 7:1232.(12) s. 1-21
Plevris, Vagelis; Ramirez, German Solorzano; Bakas, Nikos. Literature review of historical masonry structures with machine learning. I: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2019). European Community on Computional Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) 2019 ISBN 978-618-82844-5-6. s. 1547-1562
Georgioudakis, Manolis; Plevris, Vagelis. A Combined Modal Correlation Criterion for Structural Damage Identification with Noisy Modal Data. Advances in Civil Engineering 2018 ;Volum 2018. Suppl. 3183067 s. 1-20
Papazafeiropoulos, George; Plevris, Vagelis; Papadrakakis, Manolis. A new energy-based structural design optimization concept under seismic actions. Frontiers in Built Environment 2017 ;Volum 3. s. –