About me

Sølve Selstø, physics professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Image credit: Sonja Balci, OsloMet.

I teach mathematics and physics at the Department of Computer Science at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway.

Additionally, I conduct research within theoretical/computational quantum physics. I am particularly interested in the dynamics of unbound quantum systems. I also take an interest in non-Hermitian quantum physics, open quantum systems and quantum computing.

And I am the proud author of the recently published book A Computational Introduction to Quantum Physics.

I am very excited about this way of introducing quantum physics; the idea is that the learner should, through implementation and visualization, acquire a feel for how the quantum world behaves – and how we can appreciate and harness quantum phenomena. In this regard, a lot of source code is provided, please visit the book’s GitHub repository if you care to have a look.

In my teaching I like to emphasize the use of numerical methods and programming in order to solve problems – and build understanding.


I am employed at the Department of Computer Science, in the sub-group of

Mathematical modelling.

I am also affiliated with the OsloMet Quantum Hub.

Contact information

Telephone:+47 67 23 86 85
E-mail:solve.selsto (at) oslomet.no
Mail:P.O. Box 4 St. Olavs Plass
0130 Oslo, Norway
Visiting:Office PS325, Pilestredet 35
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.com.sg/citations?user=C779t4kAAAAJ&hl=en