The discussion chapter – part 1

In these episodes, we will address the discussion chapter: a vital component of any scientific work. We’ll discuss why it is so important and how a good structure so far is the recipe for a great discussion chapter.
The discussion chapter “backtracks” relative to the order of the other chapters so far. It should contain discussions on three levels:
- Result specific discussion
- Process specific discussion
- Approach specific discussion
After these elements, you can continue to lift your gaze towards the problem statement, your impact and beyond. Remember to compare what you have done and accomplished with other work from your background chapter.
The exercises used in the final episode:
Order the following statements relative to their place in the document:
Editor wars:
- Two of the planned benchmarks failed
- There are not enough benchmarks on editors
- Given the overall results, vim is the fastest editor
- Jed and vim are faster than emacs
- Emacs used 2.5s
- What is the fastest editor?
- 7 benchmarks will be applied on 3 editors
- Speed is of great importance for editors
Bonus: How would you categorize this type of research project?
Discussion statements, where do they belong?
- “Some data values were unexpected and difficult to explain”
- “The prototype utilizes a proprietary library for which a license was given for this project”
- “The most valuable information would be temperature, however only CPU load was logged”
- “With a review of others approaches, a more common variable may have been identified beforehand.”
- “A total of 12 experiments divided into 4 scenarios were planned. However, only 8 were able to finish due to he time constraints of this project”
- “Use of an additional benchmarking tool may help validate the results.”
- “A variable which may have shed more light on this issue would be the number of packets, not only the bytes transferred.”