Per Koren Solvang
Leader Pillar IV, Professor of Rehabilitation
E-mail persol@oslomet.no
Areas of interest Qualitative studies in health and rehabilitation | Interdisciplinary disability studies
Per Koren Solvang earned his PhD in sociology from the University of Bergen in 1994. He was appointed Professor at the Department of Sociology at the University of Bergen in 2002. Since 2005, he has held his current position as Professor of Rehabilitation at the Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Health Technology, OsloMet. Solvang’s research explores various aspects of disability and rehabilitation. His work includes studies on professional strategies in the treatment of induvials with illness and in supporting for disabled individuals, the lived experiences of people adapting to life after accidents, the social structures shaping the field of rehabilitation, user participation in research, and decision-making processes in musculoskeletal health care.
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