Annual report 2024


CIM includes approximately 40 members, including the MUSK Health members in Pillar III, 10 external scientific board members, and approximately 100 external research collaborators involved in CIM projects

1 new PhD fellow have been included in CIM in 2024 Marthe Tofthagen started January 2024 in the “GLYCOSTAR: GLYcomic OSTeoARthritis Research” project with funding from KD. The project is led by N Karlsson

Research visitors at CIM. Raymond Ostelo, Prof at Vrije University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. James Henry Zouch, PhD fellow from University of Sydney. Lianne Wood, researcher from Exeter University. Zheng An Toh, PhD fellow from National University of Singapore

There are 9 ongoing research projects in CIM

129 publications in scientific journals within 9st of December ‘24

2 PhD dissertations and 3 PhD completions

5 new research projects have been funded. The “PAINMENT: Adulthood health care use for coocurring pain and mental distress – the role of early life adversity and buffers” project. Funding from KD. The project is led by KR Richardsen. BE Øiestad is co-supervisor. Madeleine J Simmons starts as a PhD fellow in January 2025. The “SVAI: Implementing a stratified vocational advice intervention in individuals at high risk of long-term sickness absence with musculoskeletal disorder” project with funding from KD. The project is led by BE Øiestad. T Rysstad and S Hicks are co-supervisors. Tina L Nilsgård starts as a PhD fellow in February 2025. The “OA-AID: Task shift in knee OA” project. Funding from KD. The project is led by AT Tveter. Marius Nøren starts as a PhD fellow in February 2025. The AID-Spine project “Towards personalised health care for lower spine disorders. A qualitative study of physiotherapy follow-up for patients not eligible for spine surgery” with funding from the Norwegian PhysioFund. The project is led by M Grotle and P Solvang. Camilla Finckenhagen starts as a PhD fellow in January 2025. The “GLYCOSTAR: GLYcomic OSTeoARthritis Research” project with funding from KD. The project is led by N Karlsson


The CIM has continued to grow in 2024. During 2024 the AI expertise has been strengthened by two computer scientists from SimulaMet, researcher Steven Hicks and researcher Vajira Thambawita, each in 20% position each, and one new collaborator, associate professor Kazi Shah Nawaz Ripon, from the Department of Information Technology, TKD, at OsloMet. We have received funding for 5 new research projects with funding for new PhD and postdoc fellows, who will start in January 2025. In CIM we have continued to build research network, in particular with international researchers, and to disseminate our knowledge through publications and participation in scientific conferences and other meetings.Through these activities we have continued ongoing and established new research collaborations and activities in line with the major objectives of CIM in the original proposal, namely, to build an infrastructure and expertise in applying AI-approaches in musculoskeletal research, obtaining funding and promoted career development for young researchers, organising national and international collaboration, and exploiting joint and synergetic efforts. In 2025 CIM will continue to share our results through peer-reviewed publications, national and international scientific conferences, and disseminate knowledge into the public sphere including policy, and societal impacts of creating such a CIM.