Principal Investigator Kirsti Riiser

PhD Student Solveig Vesthovda 

Collaborators Hedda Eik (Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Oslo), Marit Helen Andersen (Oslo University Hospital, University of Oslo), Britt Elin Øiestad (Oslo Metropolitan University), Kåre Rønn Richardsen (Oslo Metropolitan University), Henriette Jahre (Oslo Metropolitan University)

External Funding The Norwegian PhysioFund

Adolescents represent a critical target group for health literacy research, as this stage of life involves increasing independence and responsibility for personal health behaviors, and evidence suggests that health behaviour tracks from childhood into adulthood. Despite growing attention from policymakers and recognition of health literacy as a critical determinant of health, research on adolescent health literacy remains scarce. The growing burden of health challenges among adolescents highlights the importance of health literacy, as it equips individuals with the tools to navigate health challenges, evaluate treatment options, and engage with healthcare systems more effectively.

The MUSKHEL-study has a mixed-methods design comprising four substudies: 1) a scoping review to accumulate and synthesize available evidence of the literature on health literacy related to musculoskeletal disorders; 2) a cross-sectional cohort study aiming to describe health literacy among Norwegian adolescents and, to identify health literacy clusters and describe what characterizes different cluster affiliations; 3) a cross-sectional cohort study aiming to investigate the association between persistent pain and health literacy in adolescents; and 4) a qualitative study consisting of individual interviews with adolescents aiming to explore how they experience finding, understanding, and evaluating health information related to long-lasting musculoskeletal pain. The interviews may give a more comprehensive picture of the context of the adolescents’ musculoskeletal health literacy strengths, limitations and needs.