Rikke Munk Killingmo

Current position Associated Prof II, Coordinator

E-mail rikke@oslomet.no

Areas of interest Musculoskeletal Health | Back pain Methodology | Prognosis Research | Health Economy | Sports medicine

RESEARCHER BIO Rikke is currently a coordinator at the Centre for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health, Oslo Metropolitan University. She completed her bachelor degree in physiotherapy in 2008 and her Master’s degree in Sports Physiotherapy in 2013 from the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences. She completed her PhD «Cost of Illness due to Back Pain in Older People: Healthcare utilization, modifiable prognostic factors, and the measurement properties of self-reported productivity loss using the iMTA Productivity Cost Questionnaire» at the Faculty of Health Sciences at Oslo Metropolitan University October 2022. Beside working as a coordinator in CIM, Rikke works as a physiotherapist in primary care, and as a researcher. As a clinician, Rikke has worked in primary care since 2008. In 2016, she was approved as a specialist in sports physiotherapy MNFF.  

Follow Rikke’s research on ResearchGate