MUSK Health research group 2015-21

The MUSK Health research group at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University – was founded in 2015 by professor Margreth Grotle and conducts research related to musculoskeletal conditions.
Research in this field is crucial, as musculoskeletal conditions are responsible for most of the chronic disability worldwide. Over the past decade, the number of individuals suffering from these conditions has increased by 25 percent globally, with projections indicating further increases, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Our definition of musculoskeletal conditions aligns with the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health of the Bone and Joint Decade. This alliance identifies five primary musculoskeletal conditions: osteoarthritis, inflammatory arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis), back pain, musculoskeletal injuries (occupational and sports injuries and road traffic accidents), crystal arthritis (gout), and osteoporosis with fragility fractures.
The MUSK Health research group’s projects have mainly been on back and shoulder pain, osteoarthritis, vulvodynia, work and health in people with musculoskeletal disorders, and pain in young people. Our research addresses both clinical and societal perspective on these issues. We collaborate extensively with leading national and international research groups in the field of musculoskeletal health.
In 2021, the research group was integrated into Pillar III of the Center for Intelligent Musculoskeletal health (CIM) led by professor Britt Elin Øiestad. Starting in 2025, the group will fully be incorporated into CIM.