New PhD student in WP1

One of the PhD students in WP1, Cecilie Fromholt Olsen, has been working in the Cross-Care Old project since August 2017. The name of her project is “Learning networks to develop better patient pathways for older people in primary care- health professionals’ experiences”. This is a qualitative project with method triangulation of observation, focus group interviews and individual interviews with health professionals who are involved in learning networks for paient pathways. These learning networks are driven by the Norwegian Association of Local and regional Authorities. Eight learning networks will take place in different regions in Norway within the next two years with the aim og improving and making the patient pathways for older and chronically ill patients more user-friendly. Cecilie has recently started to follow one of these networks and her main interest seems to be the implementation of new ways of thinking and working in a more user-friendly manner in everyday practice from the perspective of health- workers. She is currently working on a qualitative meta-analysis concerning these topics.

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