WP4: Model development

WP 4 will ensure the coordination of administrative and management tasks of the project and is responsible for cross-fertilization of research ideas and results across work packages and projects, as well as monitoring and quality control. This is important given the multidisciplinary nature of the work packages and the key researchers involved. An important cross-fertilizing task of WP 4 is the development of a cross-sectoral model for 30-days transitional health and care services for geriatric people in line with national criteria for quality of care. The input to this model is provided through the results from WP1, WP2 and WP 3, with WP1 emphasizing the patient perspective, WP 2 emphasizing the bridge between hospital and municipal health and care services and WP 3 emphasizing the municipality perspective. Another cross-fertilizing task of WP 4 is to ensure user feedback in the development of the model.