International meeting

The first Advisory Board Meeting of “Crosscare-Old” will be arranged Thursday 24th of August at Oslo University College

10-10.30: Welcome and presentation round (Professor  Astrid Bergland)
10.30-11: Overall presentation of Crosscare-Old ( Professor Astrid Bergland)
11-11:30: WP 1: User Perspectives on Quality in Transitional Health Care for Geriatric Patients (Associate professor Jonas Debesay and 3 PhD-students)
11.30-12.00: Discussion WP1 (all)
12-12.30: Lunch
12.30-13: WP 2: Vertical coordination of health and care services (Senior researcher Heidi Gautun)
13-13:30: Discussion WP2 (all)
13:30-13:45: Coffee break
13:45-14:15: WP 3: Horizontal coordination of health and care services (Professor Ragnhild hellesø and Associate professor Maren Sogstad)
14:15-15:15: Discussion WP3 (all)
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-16.15: WP4: Intro and discussion: Input and advice from advisory board members on transitional care model development

Other news

Spørreundersøkelse blant sykepleiere i sykehjem og hjemmesykepleien om utskrivning av eldre pasienter fra sykehus

I november gjennomføres en e-post spørreundersøkelse blant Norsk Sykepleierforbund sine medlemmer som jobber i sykehjem og hjemmesykepleien. I undersøkelsen spørres det om sykepleiernes synspunkter på ulike sider ved utskrivning av eldre pasienter til tjenestene de jobber i. Formålet med undersøkelsen er å skaffe ny kunnskap som kan bidra til å bedre samarbeidet mellom sykehus og kommuner om eldre pasienter. Norsk Sykepleierforbund er samarbeidspartner, og har gitt oss tilgang til medlemmenes epost adresser. Databehandlerfirmaet Kantar TNS samler inn data. Dersom du har noen spørsmål om undersøkelsen kan du ta kontakt med Prosjektkoordinator Heidi Gautun på tlf. 98 89 37 28, eller E-post:

Advisory Board Meeting

August 24th, an Advisory Board Meeting was arranged in Oslo at Campus Pilestredet. The Advisory Board consisted of three external experts within the research field:

  • Prof. Clarke (University of Edinburgh, Nursing, Wellbeing of Older People),
  • Prof. Wagner (NIVEL, NL, Health Care Innovations, Hospital Care and Quality of Life in frail Older People),
  • Prof. Billings (University of Kent, Integrated Care for Older People)

The meeting was very constructive, and provided several useful inputs to the project. Prof. Wagner was unfortunately not able to attend the meeting. It was decided that a new meeting with the Advisory Board should be carried out when the three first WP are well underway and have some results, in order to get input on WP4.

Paper Presentation at ESA

Forsker I Heidi Gautun presented the paper “Should I stay or should I go: Will nurses continue to work in elderly care services? at ESA 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association 29 August to 1 September 2017, at Athens, Greece

Paper Presentation at IHEA

PhD Henning Øien presented the paper «The impact of home- based care on hospital admissions for the elderly” at IHEA 12th World Congress in Health Economics 8-11 July, at Boston University USA

Paper Presentasjon på Nasjonal helseøkonomikonferanse

PhD Henning Øien presenterte paperet “Virkningen av hjemmetjenester på sykehusinnleggelser for eldre. Nasjonal helseøkonomikonferanse 2017. Universitetet i Bergen

PhD projects

Two  PhD students have been working in the project   “A cross- sectoral approach to high quality health care transitions for older people” since January 2017. Phd candidate Christine Hillestad Hestevik has during the last months interviewed elderly patients and family caregivers related to her PhD project on nutritional care and has stated on a qualitative meta summary on the topic  regarding elderly patients´ experiences of managing life at home after hospital discharge . Futhermore  PhD candidate  Ingvild Lilleheie  is busy interviewing geriatric patients and their family caregivers as a part of her Phd project  on transitional health care for geriatric patients. Lilleheie has started  working  on a qualitative metaanalysis with the preliminary title “Hospital discharge planning: A qualitative review of the frail older people experience of involvement/ participation.

The first Advisory Board Meeting of our project “Crosscare-Old”  will be held August 24th


10-10.30: Welcome and presentation round

10.30-11: Overall presentation of Crosscare-Old

11-11:30: WP 1: User Perspectives on Quality in Transitional Health Care for Geriatric Patients

11.30-12.00: Discussion WP1

12-12.30: Lunch

12.30-13: WP 2: Vertical coordination of health and care services

13-13:30: Discussion WP2

13:30-13:45: Coffee break

13:45-14:15: WP 3: Horizontal coordination of health and care services (Ragnhild and Maren)

14:15-15:15: Discussion WP3

15:15-15:30: Break

15:30-16.15: WP4: Intro and discussion: Input and advice from advisory board members on transitional care model development

Spørreundersøkelse blant sykepleiere i sykehus om utskrivning av eldre pasienter (work package 2)

I mai gjennomføres en e-post spørreundersøkelse blant Norsk Sykepleierforbund sine medlemmer som jobber på sengeposter i somatiske sykehus. I undersøkelsen spørres det om sykepleiernes synspunkter på ulike sider ved utskrivning av eldre pasienter til helse- og omsorgstjenestene i kommunene, som for eksempel vurdering av utskrivingstidspunkt, samarbeid med kommunene, og ivaretakelse av eldre pasienter i overgangen til kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Formålet med undersøkelsen er å skaffe ny kunnskap som kan bidra til et velfungerende samarbeid mellom sykehus og kommuner om eldre pasienter. Norsk Sykepleierforbund er samarbeidspartner, og har gitt oss tilgang til medlemmenes epost adresser. Respons Analyse AS gjennomfører datainnsamlingen. Dersom du har noen spørsmål om undersøkelsen kan du ta kontakt med Prosjektkoordinator Heidi Gautun på tlf. 98 89 37 28, eller E-post:


Two new PhD students are employed in work package 1

  • Ingvild Lilleheie (Ph.D stip): User perspectives on quality in transitional health care for geriatric patients (UP- GEPA): Focus on interprofessional Collaboration
  • Christine Hestevik (Ph.D stip): Nutrition Care for elderly patients after critical diseases a qualitative study of the experiences of patients, families and health professionals