Our project team includes scholars from US, Turkey, Japan, Sweden, France and Norway, with complementary competences from social sciences, product design, LCA analysis, and engineering. Read more about all the researchers here.

Associate Professor Yusuke Kishita, Project Academic Specialist Christian Clemm, and Master’s Student Tatsuki Watanabe from the Kishita lab at the Dept. of Precision Engineering at the University of Tokyo will lead WP3.

Assistant Professor Aykut Coşkun of the Koc University Arçelik Research Center for Creative Industries (KUAR) will lead WP4. The Koc team also includes Ph.D. students Berre Su Yanlic and Hakan Yilmazer.

Assistant Professor Manisha Anantharaman at the Center for the Sociology of Organisations at Sciences Po in Paris will lead WP1.

Professor Christian Fuentes will lead WP2 together with Assc. Professor Maria Fuentes, Assc. Senior lecturer Emma Samsioe, Assc. Professor Maria Fuentes and Project Assistant Emmelina Eriksson, all at the Department of Service Studies at Lund University.

Professor Jennifer Heung and Postdoctoral fellow Noemi Linares-Ramirez of Saint Mary’s College of California will co-lead WP together with Sciences Po.

Research Professor Arne Dulsrud is coordinating the project, and the team from Consumption Research Norway (SIFO), OsloMet also includes Head of Research Torvald Tangeland, Research Professor Marie Hebrok, and Researcher Sabina Kuraj.