Seminar: Tanner Culpitt

Friday June 9th 2023 we had the pleasure of listening to Tanner Culpitt, postdoc at the Hylleraas Centre, giving a presentation entitled Electronic Structure and Molecular Dynamics in a Strong Magnetic Field. In addition to outlining how such systems can be studied non-perturbatively, he also shared ideas on how quantum computers may be useful in this context.
The seminar was part of a double MatMod seminar, in which also George Hitching from the Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet presented a talk on Moduli of bundles over algebraic curves.
Full abstract for Tanners presentation:
The electronic structure and dynamics of molecules in magnetic fields have historically been treated perturbatively. A perturbative treatment is successful at weaker field strengths, such as those found on Earth. At higher field strengths such as those found in white dwarf stars or neutron stars, a perturbative treatment is inadequate, and new tools are needed to accurately model electronic structure and dynamics. This talk will focus on the theoretical development and application of these tools. Additionally, recent developments in the application of quantum algorithms for the calculation of molecular properties in a magnetic field will be discussed.