Seminar: Black Hole Entropy

Our visiting researcher Maksym Teslyk is presenting work which is part of his Ph.D. dissertation. It relates to both classical and quantum physical information theory and to general relativity. The picture is Kip Thorne’s black hole visualization from the movie Interstellar.
A spherical system of mass M is represented as a set of Unruh horizons. The approach allows to estimate the total entropy of Unruh radiation from the set and calculate its ratio to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. The contribution of mass and spin s of the emitted particles is taken into account. For large values of M, the ratio exhibits susceptibility to the intrinsic degrees of freedom and varies from 0% (s = 0) to 19% (s = 5/2).
Time and place: Thursday Nov. 16th, room PS439 in Pilestredet 35.