Qhub goes to Helsinki
Mid November a bunch of us had the pleasure of going to Helsinki, the captial of Finland and, arguably, the Nordic capital of quantum startups. In any case, what we learned did confirm that there is a lot of interesting Finish activities going on in the quantum area – both theoretically and experimentally.
Perhaps the most interesting part was a visit to the Low Temperature Lab at Aalto university. (By “low temperature” we are not referring not mean average Finish Winter temperature, we are talking milli Kelvins.) Several setups, involving extremely cold “fridges”, were constructed for various quantum sensing applications – including an ambitious quest to measure quantum effects in gravity.
Our trip, aiming both at learning more about Nordic quantum activities and at raising cohesion within our hub, also involved a visit to Helsinki University. In addition to an inspiring visit to a lab aimed at curious school children and youths, we learned about diverse topics such as quantum machine learning, post quantum cryptography and the benefits of using a combinatorial approach to quantum circuits – only to name a few.
For a few photos from the trip, please follow this link.